Free trial session at your local club
Come along to any one of your local HED TKD clubs and enjoy your FREE introductory class. Watch or participate and enjoy the martial arts experience with people just like you under the guidance of our professional, qualified instructors. Whilst studying the skills for self protection and defence, you can also improve your fitness, stamina, flexibility, concentration, self control, coordination and reduce the stresses and strains of a normal routine. Tae Kwon Do is great fun to learn at any age.

Interested? (Just Turn up & Join in.)
Join Now. Due to popular demand memberships are limited. Once you have enjoyed your introductory class and decided to join, your instructor(s) will provide you with enrolment information and application details. Your first ever class is always FREE.
To help you enjoy a free introduction to the exciting art & sport of Tae Kwon-Do, HED TKD also support some other free introductory schemes/offers so just come along to your nearest local club for your Free session.
(Note: individuals may claim only one type of free offer/voucher per person at any one of our clubs and cannot claim multiple free offers or lessons)

HED TKD Members Rewards Points
Members with HED TKD can earn their own reward points to use within the club.