The TAGB was founded in 1983 and is now the largest single Tae Kwon-Do body in Great Britain and Europe.
It is a member of the British Tae Kwon-Do Council (BTC), Tae Kwon-Do’s umbrella organisation approved by the Sports UK (Sports Council). Not only does the TAGB enjoy formidable representation on the BTC, but its members are widely regarded as amongst the most successful competitors in just about any martial arena, whether semi-contact, full contact, points stop or continuous sparring rules. Similarly many TAGB members have titles and success at all other aspects of the art of Tae Kwon-Do including Patterns and Destruction.
The TAGB is not just concerned with its own development and has played a leading role in the reunification of British Tae Kwon-Do into one body. In 1988, the TAGB helped found the British Tae Kwon-Do Council (BTC), which is the only governing body of Tae Kwon-Do to be recognised by Sport UK,
The TAGB also helped found Tae Kwon-Do International (TKDI), the world governing body for all forms of Tae Kwon-Do practice, whose goal is to bring unity and common purpose to Tae Kwon-Do practitioners worldwide. T.K.D.I. is non-political and it doesn’t attempt to dictate to member countries how they must run their affairs yet it unites its many member associations on a global scale. Since its foundation in 1993, Tae Kwon-Do International has grown to become one of the biggest World Tae Kwon-Do bodies. Its World Championships are amongst the largest and best organised and it draws its participation from every contingent.

The TAGB has over 700 Tae Kwon-Do schools across Great Britain, with over 26,000 licensed members, and holds regular championships throughout Great Britain, as well as international & World Championship tournaments.
In these days, where violence and intimidation seem to plague our modern societies, Tae Kwon Do enables the weak to possess a fine weapon to defend himself or herself and discourage or defeat the opponent as well. We teach that any unavoidable conflict should be sensibly managed wherever possible. When wrongly applied TKD can be a lethal weapon.